Dr José Vicente Ferrer Valls
- Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Valencia in 1987.
- Degree of Doctor of Medicine with the qualification "Cum Laude" by the University of Valencia in 1989.
- Specialist in General Surgery and Digestive System: He trained as a specialist at the Clínica Universitaria de Navarra and Hospital de Navarra.
- Diploma of Competence of Expert in Barbarian and Metabolic Surgery by the Spanish Society of Barbarian and Metabolic Surgery (SECO).
- Chief Surgeon and Director of Clínica Obésitas since 2003.
- Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Scientific Journal BMI-Journal (Iberoamerican Bariatric and Metabolic), journal of the Spanish Society of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery (SECO).
- He has developed an important research and teaching work in the fields of molecular biology of colon and breast cancer, and cell damage from ischemia and organ transplantation. He has spent time in important national and international hospitals and laboratories.
- Founder and coordinator of the Experimental School of Laparoscopic Surgery of the Navarre Health Service from 1993-1998.
- Research Coordinator of the Biomedical Research Unit of the Navarra Health Service from 1997-2000.
- He has been trained in Laparoscopic Surgery of Morbid Obesity, among others with Dr. R. Weiner and Dr. Chevalier who represent in Frankfurt and Paris respectively, the teams with more experience in "Laparoscopic Gastric Band", "Gastric Bypass by laparoscopy" and "Sleeve Gastrectomy by laparoscopy" in Europe, as well as with Dr. Baltasar and Dr. Hernandez in Spain, among others. He has been trained in the technique of "Laparoscopic Gastric Plication" with Dr. Martin Freid, Czech Republic, proficient world-wide in this technique. He has been trained with Dr. Sanchez-Pernaute and Antonio Torres, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Madrid, in the technique of "Bypass type SADIS".
He is a member of the most prestigious national and international Scientific Societies:
- Member of the ASMBS (American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery)
- Member of IFSO (International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity).
- Member of SECO (Spanish Society of Obesity Surgery).
https://www.seco.org/profesionales_es_23.html Member of SEEDO (Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity). https://www.seedo.es/index.php/area-socios/acceso-a-socios
- Member of the AEC (Spanish Surgery Association).
- Member of EAES (European Association for Endoscopic Surgery and other Interventional Techniques).
- Member of the SVC (Valencian Society of Surgery).
http://sociedadvalencianadecirugia.com In his activity it is necessary to emphasize.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of SECO (Spanish Society of Obesity Surgery).
- Editor-in-Chief and Director of the Medical Magazine specialized in Obesity "Bariatric and Metabollic BMI”
He actively participates in National and International Scientific Congresses and Journals. Most recent participations:
- 20 National Congress SECO, Mallorca 25-27 April 2018.
- 14 National Congress SEEDO, lleida 14-16 March 2018.
- VIII International meeting on surgery for obesity and metabolic surgery. Madrid, Spain, 22/01/2018
- 19 National Congress SECO y 13 National Congress SEEDO, Sevilla 15-17 Marzo 2017.
- Publication of: Factores predictivos de pérdida ponderal tras la gastrectomía vertical. Estudio multicéntrico hispano-portugués. Sanchez Santosa R, Corcelles R, Vilallonga Puyc R, Delgado Rivillad S, Ferrer JV. Cir Esp 2017; 95:135-42.
- 8º Word IFSO Congress, 27-30 October, Brasil, 2016.
- 18 National Congress SECO, Barcelona 21-23 June 2016.
- 12ª International BEST Congress (Bariatric Surgery reviews), 30 nov-1dec, Madrid, 2015
- 15 National Congress SECO, Vitoria 21-29 may 2015.
- 3º Word Congress on International Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes, London 28-30 september, 2015.
- Clinic Expertise, EMEA Expert Meeting, Hamburg, 23-25 april, 2015
- 8ª Frankfurter Meeting “Laparoscopic Surgery in Obesity and Metabolic Disorders, Franckfurt, 20-21 November, 2014
- 6 th International Congress of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Madrid, 15-17 October, 2014.
- XI International course of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery Barcelona 5-6 de may 2014
- 16 National Congress SECO, Leon 21-31 may 2014.
- 6th Congress of the Internacional Federation for Surgery of Obesity (IFSO). Bruselas, from 30 of April to 3rd of May 2014.
- 10th International B.E.S.T Meeting on "Revisional Bariatric Surgery". Belgium, 9 - 10 December 2013.
- IV Course of Bariatric and Metabollic Surgery of ECO and of section of Obesity of the AEC. Madrid, 28 y 29 de November 2013.
- 1st Congress of Medical and Surgical Obesity. XI Congress of the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity (SEEDO) and 15th Congress of the Spanish Society for the Surgery of Morbid Obesity and Metabolic Diseases (SECO) and the Morbid Obesity Section of the ACS. Madrid, 14-15 March 2013. 5º course of the Obesity and Metabollic Surgery. Madrid, 25 y 26 of October of 2012.
- 5th Congress of the Internacional Federation for Surgery of Obesity (IFSO). Barcelona,from 26 to 28 of April of 2012. (see scientific comunications)
- XIV SECO 2012 Congress. Spanish Society of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery. Barcelona, 25-26 of April of 2012. (see scientific comunications)
- IX International course of Laparoscopic Bariatric and Metabollic Surgery. University Hospital of Bellvitge. 23 – 24 april of 2012.
- III Course of Bariatric and Metabollic Surgery. Spanish Society of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery. Madrid. 14 y 15 of February 2012.
- 11ª International Meeting of Surgery. Dr. Henrique Bicha Castelo. Lisbon School of Medicine. January 2012.
- Publication of: Gastric obstruction by spontaneous folding of the stomach, in Vertical Gastrectomy. Ferrer. JV. BMI-2011, 1.5.4. (354-356)
- II Course of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid, 14-15 February 2011.
- X SEEDO Congress 2011. Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity. Barcelona, 19-21 October 2011 (see scientific papers).
- XIII National Congress of SECO 2011. Spanish Society of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery. Gran Canaria from 6 to 8 April 2011 (see scientific papers).
- IV Course of Obesity Surgery and Metabolic Surgery. Madrid Mutual Foundation. Madrid, 14-15 October 2010.
- XII National Congress of SECO 2010. Spanish Society of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery. Valencia from 10 to 13 March 2010 (see scientific papers).
- X National Obesity Symposium: Basic and applied aspects: Reus from 1 to 2 March 2010 (see scientific papers).
- XI National Congress of the Spanish Society of Obesity Surgery. Malaga, 1 - 3 April, 2009. (see scientific presentations).
- Bariatric Surgery and Metabolic Surgery, Mutua Madrileña Foundation. 30 - 31th November, Madrid, 2008. President Antonio Torres.
- International Conference advance in Surgery: Discussions from the cutting edge. 10 - 11th December, 2008. Barcelona. President Antonio Lacy.
- American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) 25th Annual Meeting, June 15 - 20, 2008, Washington, DC, USA.
- 10th Congress of the Spanish Society of Obesity Surgery (SECO) 23-25 April, Barcelona 2008 (see scientific presentations).
- 3(rd) Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and metabolic disorders-European Chapter (IFSO-EC) : Italy April 17-19, 2008. VIII Nationa congressl of Major Ambulatory Surgery: Barcelona, 14-16 November 2007.
- VII National Congress of the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity (SEEDO). Zaragoza, 24-26 October 2007 (see scientific presentations).
- I Course of Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery: Body Reshaping After Bariatric Surgery, INSTITUTO PÉREZ DE LA ROMANA, Alicante October 5, 2007.
- 12nd World Congress of the International Federation for Surgery of Obesity (IFSO), Portugal, Porto. September 5-8, 2007
- XLII National Congress of the Spanish Society of Plastic Surgery, Valencia, May 8-11, 2007 (see scientific presentations).
- XII NATIONAL CONGRESS OF SECO (Spanish Society of Obesity Surgery), Madrid, March 2007 (see scientific presentations).
- VIII National Congress of the ASECMA, Barcelona, April - 2007.
- XII Conference on Nutrition and Dietetics.
- VII Conference on Continuing Education in Surgery. University of Malaga, April - 2006.
- II Corso Residenziale Nazionale per Specializzandi in Chirurgia. Italy May - 2006.