The clinic / Our units
Family Obesity Treatment Unit
What it is
The family obesity therapy seeks to apply a comprehensive treatment of the nutritional habits of a family with significant obesity problems.
In Clínicas Obésitas we consider it relevant to apply family therapy when in the family there are SEVERAL members with obesity (weigh 15-20 kgr more than height – e.g. plus 80 kgr when measuring 1.65 cm-).
How we can help
Although this therapy can be applied by a family on its own, many times there are doubts about the effectiveness of the process and, above all, if it is being done correctly.
In these cases, it is convenient to receive specialized psychological and nutritional support.
In Clínicas Obésitas we act applying a series of guidelines in all the phases of the family’s diet.
What our treatment consists of:
The participation and supervision of specialized professionals is crucial.
For this reason, in the first place, the professionals of the Clínicas Obésitas carry out an important diagnosis and evaluation of all the “bad habits” both culinary and emotional or lifestyle that the family may have.
Based on this, a series of guidelines are established, which progressively modify the errors detected.
The base of the work is always the progressivity and the approach as a definitive change, and not only temporary during the period of the therapy.
We must be aware that, in the same way that reaching an obesity takes years, it also costs the change to new habits, and that they must be maintained for life.
The guidelines established by Clínicas Obésitas are fundamental for the correct handling of all aspects related to meals at a family level.
These guidelines bring together any act related to nutrition and lifestyle change:
- Purchase and selection of food.
- Food cooking methods.
- Distribution of food, frequency of intakes and size of rations.
- “Emotional” approach to the act or moment of eating.
- “Family” physical exercise