The clinic / Our units
Psychological and Behavioral Therapy Unit
What it is
At Clinicas Obésitas we consider the psychological support in the Interdisciplinary team of bariatric surgery to be fundamental in order to achieve the best adaptation and effectiveness of the surgery in our patients during the whole process.
We know that the most effective treatment to treat severe obesity is bariatric surgery; however, despite the physical changes that patients present after surgery, does not benefit everyone to the same degree, being very relevant those psychological aspects that interfere with the achievement of healthy habits and strengths that the patient can develop and perfect so that weight loss is sustained over time. To achieve greater efficiency in the process, in Obesity Clinics we include treatment and psychological guidance in the general treatment of obesity.
How we can help
From the psychological therapy unit, we focus on improving the patient’s self-esteem and confidence, as well as their relationship with food; identifying the main difficulties that may arise to enjoy this process of change. Personalizing the treatment and adapting it to the needs that may arise at each stage of the process.
What our treatments consist of
The support of the psychological therapy unit of Clinicas Obésitas offers an adequate treatment to each one of the phases of the patient who is going to undergo a bariatric surgery or a treatment with a gastric balloon, Apollo method or a “Multidisciplinary, psychological and nutritional treatment”
1. Preoperative treatment
In this phase, we study and identify, together with the patient, possible contradictions that could affect the correct functioning of the surgery, such as being in a bad mood or suffering from an adaptive disorder. Also treat the symptomatology derived from more complex problems, such as eating disorders or other co-morbidities that may put the surgery at risk.
2. Postoperative treatment
Once the surgery recommended by our specialists has been performed, the possible situations that the patient may encounter after being operated on are identified, and a cognitive-behavioral strategy is established aimed at supporting the change of image, the management of contextual aspects, as well as the reinforcement of changes in habits, lifestyle and long-term maintenance.
To achieve this, our team follows the application of cognitive-behavioral techniques, which are the most supported in the scientific literature, being the most studied in the treatment of obesity.
Psychological treatment without surgery
Many of the patients who come to us still do not need an obesity surgery, but they do need a help that allows them to control in a stable and permanent way, an ever-increasing excess weight.
The psychological treatment for obesity and overweight represents a less valued option in occasions, within the possible treatments. However, when indicated by the patient’s characteristics, it would be an important and recommended starting option.